At Alpine, our treatment programs center on the idea that there is not a “one size fits all” approach to mental health treatment. The presentation of those diagnosed with Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective and Bipolar Disorder varies greatly, and while one therapy or medication may work for one individual, a successful treatment program should be able to integrate multiple therapy approaches at any given time to meet unique individual needs.

Our staff at both locations are dedicated to providing evidence-based therapies and utilizing a multi-therapy approach to care. We also strongly believe that the environment in which services are provided is a major component of success. We strive to uphold a professional and dignified milieu at all times for each individual we come into contact with.

We provide high-quality residential rehabilitation and treatment service for adults with comorbid mental illness, medical conditions and substance use, as well as some of the debilitating effects of the illness. These include lack of hygiene awareness, low motivation for socialization or personal contact, lack of insight into illness, high impulsivity, and low frustration tolerance.

The clinical team identifies and addresses personal goals of rehabilitation, recovery, health maintenance, improved quality of life, and community integration in addition to specific treatment of medical conditions, mental illnesses, addictive disorders, and homelessness.

The goal of therapy is to provide opportunities for clients to achieve and maintain their highest level of independent community integration through residential services designed to improve functional status, sustain rehabilitation, disability management, and sustainable recovery. We aim to break the cycle of succumbing to the debilitating symptoms, and teach our clients how to effectively manage their illness in a way that works within their resources and lifestyle.

Treatment plans and therapies focus on strengths, needs, abilities, and preferences in meeting the client’s primary goals while residing in a structured, supportive, and therapeutic community environment. Therapies are intended to support our client’s growth in their independence and ability to self-support long term. Some of the various forms of evidence-based treatment therapies offered in an individual and group format include:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Wellness Recovery Action Plan

SMART Recovery Substance Abuse Treatment

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Symptom Management

The framework of the program is based on treating many individuals with diverse and complex treatment issues. Success comes from creating an individualized treatment plan that is established with the client to achieve the highest quality of life for that individual.

The multidisciplinary staff is established for each individual client with no less than the treating psychiatrist, a Licensed or Registered nurse, Licensed Mental Health Professional, Mental Health Clinicians, Rehabilitation Counselor(s) and the individual client.

At the client’s request, key family members and/or legal representative are included to discuss treatment goals and after care programs.

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